
“We Mortals”, the international edition of STEWART A. LEVITT’S acclaimed poetry anthology, “Too Soon to be Late” has been released on Amazon.

Stewart Levitt, best known for his work as a lawyer, successfully fighting public causes against banks and governments for the underdog; be they Indigenous Australian outliers or down-at-the heel farmers, has released an anthology of poems titled ‘Too Soon to be Late’.

our readers say ”
inspired use of language
“Such an utterly unusual book deserves rapid recognition, not just for its inspired use of language and images but because it states truths that our whole planet’s populace ought to be anxious to hear.”
Giles Auty, Spectator and Quadrant Contributor, author, artist & art critic
a crusader for the innocent
“These pages document the interior life of a man who, it must be said, has come wonderfully to personify Sydney’s grit and colour. A villain’s advocate and a crusader for the innocent, Stewart Levitt has embraced every one of life’s contradictions.”